Frantic travel between zone 1 and 2
A conniption at Mess Hall
Thinking somebody had their wisdom teeth removed but really they had gotten fat in the face
Awkward air kissing with strangers
Cock and Bull on the train
Huskies on mute at Nicholson Street
Making antlers for the party
The Antler Party
Dancing with a gapped toothed hansom Sydney-sider
Getting swiped at by a policeman
The DJ tried to put his tongue in my mouth
Tackling Elise
De-briefing at Jungle
Neck massage
Talking in Metropolis
North Fitzroy
Finding a beanie
Dancing to New Wave music
Danny's Burgers
A magician with a degree in psychology and mind reading
A man with a face covered in glitter
Long black with Jess
Discussing pheromones with my boss