Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Me, an Ewok?

The other day I was told I looked like an Ewok - this is not the first time somebody has told me this! WTF?? Apparently I also look like a Slow Loris and 'Ducky' from the Land Before Time Movies.

1) Ducky

2) Ewok

3) Slow Loris

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Unfortunatley you'll need to turn your head to the side in able to look at this properly. Im not exactly competent at uploading and re-jigging scanned pics. The title is pretty self-explainitory

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No more awkward dreams please!

The other night I had a dream a man from work kept grabbing at me and trying to feel me up, and now I cant look him in the eye.

Monday, February 9, 2009

30 fires

I thought I'd had a bad Saturday (which I wont even bother going into detail about) untill I heard about the bushfires that started on feb 7 . It is so sad and terrifying and pretty hard to fathom. And there's around thirty fires still blazing. It is estimated that up to 300 people have been killed.
I just feel really scared and sad about the whole thing. I keep thinking about peoples pets and cattle aswell, and the smell and the noises of everything.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Deconstructed lady forms

In searching for a picture of an aeroplane, I came across these two amazing images. I think the object in the first picture is either a tambourine or a drum - very odd!

I love the fluid lines in this second picture. Unfortunatley I dont have names of either artist behind these :(